Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Settle down . . .

Why haven't I been posting? I've been a little busy moving. Then there were some DSL problems. But I should be back to posting fairly regularly by the end of the week. So hang in there, all three of you loyal readers!

And just for a slight fix: I'm bummed that Team Geek got bounced from The Amazing Race (how galling that the smart team got burned by such a dumb mistake), I've come around and am fully onboard with Sons of Anarchy, I'm debating whether or not to drop Heroes from my lineup, and I'm wondering what the heck Don Draper is doing. Kath & Kim was awful, but Testees might have been even worse. And I have a whole mess of shows waiting for me on my DVR, including the premiere of Life on Mars.

So once I catch up with shows and finally get settled in, things will get back to normal.

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