Easy kids, you'll get your
Amazing Race fix soon. Season 14 premieres Sept. 28. Among the exotic locales they'll visit this time around: La Paz, Bolivia (let's hope for a good physical challenge in the thin air there), Kazakhstan (brace yourself for Borat jokes), and Cambodia (watch where you step!). Here's a quickie handicap of the field.
Mark & Bill: The Geek Squad. They think strategy will pay off for them. Well, strategy won't do you much good if you can't rappel down a cliff-face. They sound a little too analytical. But teams with bearded guys have had a good track record. They won't win, but they may become the fan favorites. Because
Amazing Race fans are geeks. (Sorry, but you know it's true.)
Anita & Arthur: The Hippies, Parent Edition. Oh god, they're annoying me already. They say they believe in the basic goodness in people. Saps. Organic saps, at that. I predict bad puns, hippie cliches and an early exit. TTOW!
Terence & Sarah: The "Opposites" Couple. His faux-hawk bugs me. But they're fit and in uber-competitive fields. They could be a contender. Could their "dietary restrictions" be their downfall? I'd love to watch a vegan choke down some raw beef.
Marisa & Brooke: The Sorority Sisters. Two blonde hotties who look exactly alike. How unique. They bore me already, and let's see how they cope without makeup. My guess: Not well.
Andrew & Dan: Team "Superbad." Interesting. The frat-boy tag is a red flag, which concerns me. On the other hand, they could they be funny, likeable frat boys like Kevin & Drew. They don't have that typical frat boy/date rapist look, so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and say they'll be competitive and provide comic relief.
Aja & Ty: The Long-Distance Couple. Sigh. Another one? Stupid Internet. Let's see, he has trouble being on time and she's easily upset. I predict an epic meltdown (hopefully involving a camel) and a mid-season elimination.
Toni & Dallas: The Mom & Son. And both with androgenous names. Ooooh, he's passionate and flirty. I hate him already. Mom & Son teams tend to do poorly, and I don't see these guys bucking that trend.
Nick & Starr: The Brother-Sister Team. Oh, and they'll "stop at nothing to win." Yawn. Hmm, he's a dancer, which is code for...um, yeah. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.) They sound kinda like the second coming of Blake & Paige from Season 2, only with jazz hands. They look fit and could be formidable. But what's with the camouflage?
Kelly & Christy: The Best Friends. And more cheerleaders. At least they don't look alike. Sweet Texas charm, magnetic personalities, no travel experience......BZZZZZT. Game over. I predict they'll be the first to go.
Ken & Tina: The Separated Couple. Married but hoping to reconnect? Strike one. Past infidelity? Strike two. Dedicated Christians? Strike three. They're going to be the team you roll your eyes at the most. Sounds like they have the brains and braun to compete, but they're too dysfunctional to be around at the end. Fearless prediction: I'll cheer at their elimination. Oh, and he's a former NFL player, but not one anyone's ever heard of.
Anthony & Stephanie: The Putting-Our-Relationship-to-the-Test Couple. Yep, there's always one of these. Will it work? Of course not. Here's a hint: Going on a reality show for six weeks won't solve your relationship problems. Idiots. Sounds like they'll be the bickering couple. Ugh. Sadly, I predict they'll be the team who somehow survive week after week despite themselves.
OK, so what have we got? A lineup straight out of central casting, that's what. White, model/actor types, the token minority, the token old folks, and people who probably describe themselves as "intense." Pretty disappointing group, considering that Season 12 actually had a selection of people you might actually find outside Hollywood.
Prediction for the final three: Terence & Sarah, Nick & Starr, Anthony & Stephanie. Remember which ones those are? Of course not. They're all interchangeable. Sigh.
Early favorite teams: Team Superbad and . . . . wow, who else? Maybe the Geek Squad, just because they seem to be relatively normal people. Other than that? Yikes, I might be feeling a lot of hate every Sunday night.
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