So what am I watching now? Not a lot, really. Generation Kill and My Boys (how's that for both ends of the spectrum?) are keeping me going through the summer. And their upcoming finales will provide a perfect segue into the Summer Olympics (I plan to watch all 40,000 hours, including live team table tennis between South Korea and Sri Lanka at 3 a.m. on a Tuesday) and the kickoff of the fall TV season in September. And I've got Season 1 of Dexter from Netflix, which I hope to get through in the next month. Oooh, can't forget Burn Notice. That's good breezy fun with lots of pretty explosions.
I'm actually excited for September. The writers strike wreaked havoc with last year's TV schedule, and a lot of my favorite shows ended way too early or were delayed way too long. Good lord, it's been almost a year since the last fresh episode of Entourage! So here's a look at what I'm looking forward to:
Can't wait for the debuts

1. The Shield (Sept. 2, FX) -- The end for Vic Mackey and crew? We've been waiting more than a year for that scheming turncoat Shane to get what's coming to him. You know this won't end well. I'm already tingling from the anticipation.
2. Entourage (Sept. 7, HBO) -- Last season was almost as bad as Medellin -- slow, bloated and feeling out of place. I have high hopes for a rebound. Sorry, but the boys aren't as fun when they have to work for their money. Give me bacchanal excess, infinity pools populated by models and Ari verbally bitch-slapping E during meetings at Koi.
3. Heroes (Sept. 22, NBC) -- It was just starting to regain its groove when the strike hit. The focus on villains should be beneficial to the show getting off to a fast start -- bad guys are always more interesting.
4. Amazing Race (Sept. 28, CBS) -- One season of arguably TV's best reality show (Top Chef might have a word to say about that) is already in the can and another is being shot as we speak. Rumored destinations for "TAR 13": Angor Wat, Cambodia and La Paz, Bolivia. Can't. Freakin. Wait.
5. Pushing Daisies (Oct. 1, ABC) -- The cynic in me thought the quirkiness would rub off. It didn't. Clever, sweet and downright nice. It's my TV sorbet, to cleanse the palate with goodness in a world filled with corrupt cops, evil super-dudes, and serial killers.
6. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (Sept. 18, FX) -- Clever, cruel and completely un-nice, it's probably the funniest, most twisted show on TV. I love it.
Can't wait until midseason
1. Lost (Jan. 2009)
2. Battlestar Gallactica (early 2009)
3. Rescue Me (spring 2009)
4. Damages (early 2009)
5. Reaper (midseason replacement)
6. Flight of the Conchords (Jan. 2009)
Why I regret not having Showtime right now
1. Californication -- I finally caught up on DVD and I'm hooked. A dramedy that's actually dramatic and comedic? A show where the characters actually develop? Shocking! Of course, not as shocking as the Season 1 finale, which I'm praying was just a dream sequence.
2. Dexter -- I haven't even watched Season 1, but already I want to catch up to Season 3.
3. Weeds -- Sure, it's gone over the top and taken a sharp turn left, but it's still one of the more original shows around. At least it hasn't become a parody of itself like "Desperate Housewives" has.
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