It's weird watching all the casual police violence though. Yeah, things were done differently in 1973, and yeah, there probably were more suspects getting roughed up. But really, the Miranda ruling came down in 1966, and it's hard to believe New York police officers were that oblivious to basic rights when it came to arrests and interrogations. It's a bit cringe-worthy, like watching Mel Gibson beating down a pedestrian in Lethal Weapon III, not long after the Rodney King riots, or watching Heathers in the post-Columbine world. Just something that makes you go, "Hmmm, that actually isn't so funny these days." Still, Life on Mars isn't meant to be a realistic procedural, it's a fantasy. Some of the punches are for comedy's sake, others are symbolic to show how much times have changed. And I can deal with that as long as they maintain that sense of fantasy.
It's got a great soundtrack too. I can forgive the iPod blasting in the squad car in the premiere when it's balanced later by David Bowie on 8-track. It's refreshing how much of the music is a little more obscure and appropriate, and not the typical '70s pop you'd expect on network TV.
It'll be interesting to see where this show goes. The original lasted only two seasons and 16 episodes on the BBC, which is only about two-thirds of a typical American TV season. The show's creators have already said they won't resolve their version in the same way the British verson did. So is Sam in a coma? Is he dreaming? In an alternate reality? God forbid, has he been abducted by aliens? Here's hoping ABC continues on the high road and maintains a rare quality show.
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