[12:26:18 AM]
MM: Here we go...
MM: Huh, Phil on a random rooftop in Century City?
The LTA: "Random" -- by that you mean CBS HQ?
MM: Is that what it is?
The LTA: What else is in Century City except TV studios?
[12:29:22 AM]
MM: oh god, Tina looks awful in HD!
The LTA: She made some bad decisions with that swimsuit
MM: I've seen pants less baggy than her skin
[12:31:34 AM]
The LTA: That couple's gonna FIGHT
MM: The one from NYC you mean? (Terence & Sarah) Or the couple with the chick who wants to get married NOW? (Anthony & Stephanie)
The LTA: The powerlawyerbitch and runnersworld
MM: Yeah. I think both will fight
[12:32:48 AM]
The LTA: I like Phil's coat
MM: Day-glo green is not a flattering color on Ken & Tina
MM: He's hoping it'll score points back home
The LTA: i'm gonna hate team superbad, i think.
MM: I've seen ASU girls. It won’t help them.
The LTA: Hee!
The LTA: Nice head bandana loverboy
MM : Sloooow hippies
The LTA: I should had vegas odds on that!
[12:34:04 AM]
MM: First use of the word "babe"
The LTA: That term is so loaded now. Thanks Michael Scott!
MM: Totally, babe!
[12:35:13 AM]
The LTA: Um. since i missed the intro, are Tony and Dallas (?) mother and son?
MM: Yep
The LTA: Phew
MM [12:35:29] : No, she's a cougar! Rarrrr!
The LTA [12:35:29] : Team cougar!
The LTA: Jinx!
[12:36:07 AM]
MM: oooh, ken cheated
The LTA: once a cheater always a cheater
MM: another “babe”
MM: wow, headband again....
MM: Ugh, I hate her -- Tina
The LTA: that color green is not flattering on either Nick or Tina
MM: Nooooo
MM: “the cute chick and the guy.” Nice description by the frats.
MM: carpool lane worked for those guys. nicely done
The LTA: HOV baby!
The LTA: I think it's three people in Washington state....oh wait... you can see the cameraman!
The LTA: person, sorry. cameraperson
MM: They went to the wrong counter -- wa wa waaaa
The LTA: ixnay on the abebay
MM: no real shame in LAX confusion -- i get lost everytime I fly through there
The LTA: really?
MM: the terminals screw me up. I'm always in the wrong one.
The LTA: i've only been there a few times. it's always under construction though.
MM: by always I mean twice
[12:41:44 AM]
MM: team superbad is annoying me already
The LTA: headband guy looks familiar to me
MM: because he's a generic frat boy wannabe?
The LTA: first leg dude. keep it together!
The LTA: they're two young guys. don't look like such pussies
MM: yeah, they're whining in the first leg, while still in LA? Yikes.
The LTA : shouldn't they be, like, hackers or something and be able to like, hack a good flight?
The LTA : are we supposed to think they're nerds or geeks or what?
MM: headband guy reminds me of someone I used to work with
The LTA : i'm not sure yet of their gimmick
MM: just makes 'em look like dorks
The LTA : i missed what they did wrong specifically, besides, you know, sucking
MM: i think they just went to the wrong counter
The LTA: oooh
[12:45:45 AM]
MM: dude, between Starr, the Southern Belles, the dicorcees and the day-glo green woman, there's going to be a LOT of haggard faces when the makeup runs out
[12:47:52 AM]
MM: Ken totally just undressed Starr with his eyes. Keep your eye in him, Tina!
The LTA: totes
[12:49:06 AM]
The LTA : nice. they know some Spanish
MM: yeah, but that won't do much good in Brazil
The LTA: doh
[12:49:57 AM]
MM: Kelly & Christy say they're strong women? They look like strippers
The LTA: they're both divorced? they're like, 25?
MM: I know. They’ve lived such hard lives
The LTA: *eyeroll*
[12:50:44 AM]
MM: NYC is bickering already
MM: cool, a funicular
MM: I love that word
The LTA: me too!
The LTA: have we discussed that before?
MM: we have
[12:51:23 AM]
MM: hey, did you hear Ken cheated on Tina?
The LTA : omg, babe, i think maybe ken cheated on tina
[12:51:44 AM]
MM: was that candy called blong?
[12:52:15 AM]
MM: another babe
The LTA: great, babe
MM: what is with those two? (Terence & Sarah)
The LTA: Barack and Michelle fist bumps!
The LTA : babe
MM: get in the groove babe!
MM: wow, that finish line squeal -- Sarah's voice can only be heard by dogs!
The LTA: i didn't hear it
[12:53:38 AM]
MM: divorcees are hosed
MM: nice travel outfits too
MM: I don't think "rapido" is portugese
The LTA: i was gonna say, maybe someone would help them if they didn't look like hookers
[12:55:54 AM]
The LTA : I want some blong candy
MM: mmm, blong
[12:57:03 AM]
The LTA : what did she just say
MM: i missed it
The LTA: "hecked off about it"?
MM: hecked? wtf?
The LTA: it's hecked or pecked. both odd
MM : maybe they're making up swear words for network TV. like "frak" on Battlestar Galactica
The LTA: or badussy on Project Runway
MM : badussy?
The LTA : aparently it's a conjunctive insult
[1:02:12 AM]
MM: ooooh, hookup time between Starr and Dallas! (She was a Cowboys cheerleader -- hmmm, subliminal much?)
The LTA: ewwww
The LTA: Dallas is gross
MM: oh god, I hate Terence and his nasty fauxhawk/spout
The LTA: brusha brusha brusha!
MM: applying makeup in the jungle, nice
The LTA : stabby!
The LTA: eyeshadow? for real?
[1:03:54 AM]
MM : A whistle! Where's Charla?
MM: that;s why the world hates americans
The LTA: cuz they show up with whistles and yelling.
[1:04:34 AM]
MM : oh christ, Sarah's so drama. You're in a RAAAACE, not a conversation!
The LTA: Did you ever see that montage about "i'm not here to make friends?"
MM : really? will they do anything to win?
[1:05:30 AM]
MM : damn Sarah, she runs too fast! (Umm, isn't Terence supposed to be a runner/trainer? And he can't keep up with her? Wow.)
[1:06:48 AM]
MM : yikes. soft way down, i guess
The LTA : the answer to the mystery question is either, God, 3, or Truman Capote
MM : heh
MM: hate? really? already?
MM : well, I hate them already, so....
The LTA : who said hate?
MM]: i couldn't tell. someone was all, "I hate those guys." Might've been Sarah
[1:08:25 AM]
MM : mom & dad? what's wrong with them?
The LTA: that's um... troubling
MM : are they that wanting for a parental figure?
The LTA: maybe it's one of those therapy things where people play other people. and they're playing the troubled couple. You know. so that the young'ins can get over their parents' divorce
[1:10:47 AM]
The LTA: Where are the Clauses?
MM: come on geeks! get competitive!
The LTA : those two are charming
MM: nick and starr -- you don't annoy me yet, despite the camouflage
The LTA : are those two bro/sis or a couple?
MM : bro/sis
The LTA : yay. I like those combos
[1:14:35 AM]
MM: Wow, the frats aret obnoxious
The LTA: what's the question they had to answer? How many steps?
MM: Yep, how many steps did you climb?
The LTA: Ha. That's predictable.
MM: I think that puts them in last place, epecially if they can't find their way back easily
The LTA: morons
MM: there's a reason everyone else took soft way down. Never leave it to chance, or randomness
The LTA: exactly. pick the simple task
The LTA: Isn't the one geek supposed to have a Tourism Management degree?
MM: yeah, but from ASU, not a real college
The LTA: it sounds like a fake degree anyway
[1:17:27 AM]
MM: even if the hippies make it, i'm afraid they're not long for this show. They seem slooooow. Hurry up bekeepers!
MM: damn, the frats are catching up
The LTA: have all the teams left?
MM: Yep, the hippies are doomed
The LTA: well, they'll get a lovely vacay in Sequesterville
MM: Huh, have Aja & Ty been seen on this episode before now?
The LTA: barely
The LTA: they used "babe" that's all i remmeber
The LTA : awww
MM: buh-bye beekeepers
MM: save the what?
MM: oh, bees
The LTA: I'm glad they put that message out there. There are actually bee issues in the news
[1:23:04 AM]
MM: So what did you think? impressions?
The LTA: I'm surprised at how good the geek team is
MM: maybe their organization skills will actually help. They may lag on physical legs though
The LTA: the couples all annoy me
MM: yeah, I'm with you on that. I remember the Aja & Ty's online intro annoyed me, but they seem OK in person. Maybe. The bro & sis are ok, though i can see where they could get annoying
The LTA: the make-up on the ladies is irritating
MM: I already loathe sarah!
MM: "...and they didn't even say hi to us!"
The LTA: dude has a bandaid on his head?
MM: yeah, I hope he got hit with something
The LTA: shes' so charming.
MM: I can see myself rooting more against teams than for them
The LTA: yeah, i'm not super in love with any of them
The LTA: so where did you hear they were going this year? anywhere interesting?
MM: Angor Wat, New Zealand, Kazakhstan, Moscow.... I heard they end in portland
The LTA: whoo hoo
MM: it'll be interesting to see how all the chicks dress when they're in more conservative countries. Lycra short-shorts might not fly in Kazakhstan
The LTA: You'd hope it would occur to them
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