The end of the year brings the inevitable Top 10 (or 20) lists, and they've been done to death, and really, I can't add to them. Like everyone else, I loved The Wire, The Shield, Lost, 30 Rock, blah blah blah. So what I'll offer is this: My 10 favorite, most mind-blowing, most memorable TV moments of the year.

3. The Shield: Vic's new job. The series finale was full of heartbreaking and gut-wrenching scenes (Shane's family laid out neatly on the bed, anyone?), but the introduction to Vic Mackey's new workplace was jaw-droppingly awesome. The sight of Vic in an ill-fitting suit, being reminded to put his name on his bag lunch and to be sure to call building services to adjust the thermostat was stunning. The wild beast was finally a caged animal. Or so we thought, until he stuffed his gun into his pants and stormed out of the building in the final scene. A perfect ending.
4. Mad Men: Season finale. I didn't watch the show religiously, but when I caught an episode it never failed to be outstanding. And the finale, from Don's reconciliation with Betty with so much left secret and unsaid, to Duck's power play crumbling as he underestimated Don, to the poignant and reveltory conversation between Peggy and Pete, all taking place with the Cuban Missile Crisis and the possible end of the world looming, was as gripping as anything on TV in 2008.

6. Sons of Anarchy: The hit gone wrong. You could see it coming, the plan to kill Opie for his (wrongly) perceived betrayal and the horrible switch between drivers. Opie and his wife switched cars for the most ordinary reason, and because she was driving the wrong car at the wrong time, and because Tig was too cowardly to look his victim in the face before killing him, she died in a drive-by shooting. One of those moments where you know nothing will ever be the same in that show's universe.

8. The Office: The dinner party. Finally, a comedy makes the list. This was probably the funniest episode of the year, with Michael & Jan having Jim & Pam and Andy & Angela over for the most awkward dinner party ever. Which, of course, was crashed by Dwight and his babysitter/date. From the stinky candle room to the 3-hour wait for the main course to the teeny tiny plasma TV, this was The Office at its best.
9. Life on Mars: Finale. Technically not a 2008 show, but it aired on BBC America this year, so I'm counting it. After two seasons of wondering if Sam's world exists only in his mind, or if he's a time-traveler, all is revealed – he's been in a coma and it all was a dream. But what was even more shocking was what Sam did next, after waking up and being forced to live in a now-unfamiliar present day. (And don't worry, ABC says they won't end their series the same way, so this shouldn't spoil anything.)

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